
Labour Costs

We charge for smaller tasks on a time basis and larger projects on a job basis.

Charging by Time for Smaller Tasks

We charge our labour rates on a time (rather than a fixed price) basis:

  • £65 per person per hour, with a 1 hour minimum charge. Thereafter we charge in 15 minute increments of £15.

Generally we will work in a team of two people as this offers an economy of speed, hopefully taking less than half the time of one person.

Charging for a Project on an Agreed Price

We will offer a price / time discount for larger projects and provide a detailed quote, setting our costs in advance for time and materials.

You will know in advance what the job will cost to complete so if it takes longer than the planned time budget, you will not pay any more.


If we need to buy materials or parts, we will buy them at best trade rates (we get discounts off many items) and recharge them to you at cost. We will keep receipts for inspection.

We will not add an on-cost to the price but we will charge for the time we spend ordering, collecting and delivering.


When we calculate the price of a job, we need to charge a sufficient amount of money to cover the direct cost of our time, plus the cost of the time we spend working without getting paid (training, quoting, invoicing, procuring materials, servicing our vans, complying with regulations, doing our accounts, dealing with correspondence etc and taking a few days holiday each year).

And we need to recoup the cost of our overheads - buying and servicing our vans, buying our tools, paying for our admin costs systems, subscriptions, payroll taxes, insurance, accreditations, phones, office costs and the like.